What are auras? How to view auras?

Auras have long been a subject of fascination and curiosity. These invisible fields, believed to surround every living being, are said to be colorful manifestations of our energy and spirit. But what exactly are auras, and how can one learn to see them?

An aura is often described as an electromagnetic field that surrounds a person’s body, reflecting their emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual states. Ancient beliefs and modern metaphysical thought suggest that auras can be seen as layers of color around a person, each hue representing different aspects of an individual’s well-being and personality.

The concept of auras is not new; it has roots in many cultures and spiritual traditions. For instance, Hindu scriptures like the Vedas speak of a luminous body surrounding the physical one, and many holistic practitioners today view auras as a vital part of understanding a person’s health and energy.

Auras have 7 layers that are intricately connected to your mind, body, and soul. People with a spiritual gift aura or with appropriate training can view aura easily.

At any given moment, a specific color dominates one’s aura depending on one’s state of mind and spiritual stage. Auras are transient and keep changing from time to time. For example, at the most basic level, a blue aura depicts that a person is intuitive, or a yellow aura depicts a playful nature. It is more complex than this as different shades of the same color have different meanings.

In other words, an aura is a center from where thoughts and energies (good or bad) arise and depart. The aura changes its’ shape, intensity, and color showing a change in our thinking, feeling, and sensations. Hence, aura viewing gives insight into oneself and others and can play a key role in your social life often navigating yourself away from potentially harmful people.

Now, you might be wondering, how can one see an aura? It’s a skill that requires patience and practice. Here are some steps to help you begin your journey to viewing auras:

Before attempting to see an aura, it’s important to be calm and relaxed. Meditation or deep breathing exercises can help you achieve the right mindset.

When you’re ready, find a willing participant and ask them to stand against a plain, light-colored background. Gaze softly at the person, focusing on a central point like the forehead or nose. This soft focus helps your peripheral vision become more sensitive to the subtle energies around the person.

After a while, you may begin to notice a faint outline or a slight color around the person. This is the beginning of seeing an aura. The colors you perceive can be interpreted in various ways, with each color potentially signifying different traits or states.

Like any skill, seeing auras takes practice. Start with short sessions and gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable and your sight becomes more attuned to the subtle energies.

Once you start seeing colors, you can begin to interpret what they might mean. Each color has its own set of meanings, which can provide insight into a person’s emotional and energetic state.

The Bottom Line

Remember, the ability to see auras is something that anyone can develop with time and practice. It’s a fascinating way to connect more deeply with the energies around us and to gain insight into the well-being of others and ourselves. So, whether you’re a skeptic, a spiritual seeker, or simply curious, the world of auras offers a unique perspective on the unseen energies that connect us all. Dive into this mystical aspect of life, and you may discover a new dimension of understanding the world and the people in it. Happy aura hunting!

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