Are You Talking Yourself Out of Success? Here’s How to Stop.

It’s been scientifically proven that our thoughts, feelings, emotions, words, and consciousness affect all of us at a molecular level. So words can change our lives.

 If a friend compliments you at the end of a hard day, it helps you feel contented and calm. A rude comment triggers your brain to act as if you are under attack and pump hormones into your blood. This drains your body’s energy and resources.

For instance, you’re driving your car and suddenly there is an issue. Most people decide to control the situation and listen to the words in their minds that assure them they can fix the problem. How do the words you hear or read impact you so much?

Words affect many brain areas that also manage your body’s internal functions, such as your major organs and systems. These brain regions guide your heart rate up and down and adjust the glucose entering your bloodstream to fuel your cells. They alter the amount and type of molecules that help your body fight off infections and diseases.

Words have the power to manage human bodies. Your brain and body react to other people’s words, and you can make other people’s brains and bodies react with your words

We’re wired throughout our lives to develop a habit of self-conversation that creates our beliefs. Some beliefs we acquire are positive and some are negative.

 The negative thoughts prevent us from reaching our goals, like ” I’m so terrible at interviews. I’m probably not even as qualified as the other candidates. There’s no way they’ll hire me. I should just leave.” But the best part here is that we can always change these negative beliefs into positive beliefs, like “I have all the necessary skills and experience, and I’m the perfect candidate for this job.”

Affirmations are positive statements that send positive messages to our brains and reprogram our subconscious mind. If you ever had someone tell you, you couldn’t do something or made you feel like you weren’t enough, you can be sure that those messages are hidden in your subconscious, ready to derail you anytime. 

Positive comments like “You are doing great”. You are great at managing money, coming up with great ideas, or completing a task which will help you feel satisfied and work harder. 

You must always try to take criticism positively and remind yourself that no matter how challenging this task is, you can do it. Using “I am” affirmations encourages you to bring positive changes to your life. “I am strong. I am worthy. I can do it. I have it in me. I can make it happen.” are powerful messages that can help you transform the way you want and change your life. “I am’”affirmations help us avoid negative thoughts and fill our minds with gratitude, abundance, and joy.

The development of self-affirmation theory has led to neuroscientific research aimed at investigating whether we can see any changes in the brain when we self-affirm in positive ways.

 In 2016, Emily B. Falk and colleagues suggested that MRI evidence indicates the specific neural pathways increase when people practice self-affirmation tasks. If you want to be super clear, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, involved in positive valuation and self-related information processing, becomes more active when we consider our values. 

The results of a study by Falk and colleagues suggest that when we choose to practice positive affirmations, we’re better able to view otherwise threatening information as more self-relevant and valuable.

The Bottom Line

This blog explores the power of words and how they can shape our reality. How words can influence our brain and body functions, as well as our beliefs and emotions. It also explains how affirmations can help us change our negative thoughts into positive ones. So be careful about what you say because those words are not just symbols, but tools for regulating our bodies and lives.

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